We believe that many companies in Croatia don't have a clear picture what R&D is, and in some cases there are distorded perceptions about R&D while in the same time there are commonly agreed upon definitions. On the other hand, research institutions are quite good in research part, but not in the development. All that is problematic since modern economy is based on research and development. So, in order for the companies to use R&D and research and government institutions to support it, it is necessary to raise awareness about research and development. Afterwards, it is necessary to give support to raise quality of research and development. To fullfil those necesseties, this conference was established.
- Upućivanje dionika u RH u značenje pojma istraživanje i razvoj, njegov značaj te metode koje se primjenjuju u istraživanju i razvoju.
- Razmjena iskustava između dionika u Republici Hrvatskoj u uspostavi, vođenju i komercijalizaciji rezultata istraživanja i razvoja.
- Gaining insight into the state of R&D in Republic of Croatia.
- Utjecaj na regulativu RH po pitanju poticanja istraživanja i razvoja te njegove regulative.
- Prenošenje iskustava iz zapadnih država s ekonomijama koje se temelje na istraživanju i razvoju.
- Povezivanje akademskog sektora, tvrtki i državnih institucija radi ostvarenja istraživanja i razvoja.
- Presentation of scientific research related to R&D management and related processes.
- Presentation of legislative support of R&D in the European Union
- Presentation of legislative support of R&D in the Republic of Croatia
- Protection of results of R&D with the purpose of keeping competitive edge.